This Homemade Herbal Body Oil is specifically designed to deeply nourish the skin, even during winter. Calendula rose and Gotu Kola is all solar-infused into a cold-pressed extra virgin sesame oil.

The beauty of herbal oils is that they can be used as a remedy for many problems. You can use a few ingredients such as rose, calendula, and Gotu Kola to make oil. This will allow you to nourish, moisturize, and promote collagen production.

You can make this oil application a part of your daily self-care routine. The Ayurvedic practice is actually self-massage using warmed sesame oils, often infused with herbs, on the entire body to balance and revitalize your nervous system, reduce fatigue, and provide nice relaxing sleep.

It is a rather great way to relax after a long day. Imagine how relaxing this feels right before you go to bed.
Although sesame might seem like an odd choice, it is a warm body oil that is super beneficial to Vata types and for those who are experiencing cold and windy days. This practice can be explored further if you wish to match the oil type to your constitution.

You do have not many options when it comes to herbs: you can either grow and harvest your own (which is incredibly satisfying and I personally think adds to the medicinal value of the whole thing) or buy dried herbs ready to infuse. It is easy to find them, especially calendula.

You can find them in the tea section at your local natural or health food store.
In this article, I shall discuss the health benefits of herbs, but first, I will walk you through how to grow, harvest, and dry your herbs.


Homemade Herbal Body Oil

Calendula ( Calendula Officinalis), a member of the daisy family, can be found at any garden center. It has bright orange and sunny-looking flowers. It should be planted in full sun. Water well. It can be used for making calendula oil, which also has many health benefits.

It’s time for the flowers to be harvested when they are fully bloomed. So as to avoid moisture on the plants, it is best to do this on a hot, sunny day. This will make drying easier. Do not be afraid to pick all the flowers, as more will come back. It is actually better to pick them more often than they go to seed.

Spread the flower heads on a mesh tray to dry. Leave in a dry, warm environment. I place my trays in the freezer and let them air dry.

You should not use the daisy (Asteraceae) if you are sensitive to it.



Another fun plant to grow is Gotu Kola ( Centella Asiatica). It thrives in moist and warm conditions, which is why a moderate climate seems to be ideal for it. Gotu Kola can be quite invasive. If you do not want it to take over your garden, plant it in a container. However, the way it creates a carpet of lush green leaves might be considered as pleasant.

Collect the leaves, dry them on mesh trays, and then harvest. Garden salads can be made with Gotu kola. It’s a very common Asian culinary green. In Sri Lanka, they shred it and mix it with chili, shallots, lime, and coconut, for example.

They will last for a long time if stored in airtight glass jars.

After drying your herbs, you can begin making your body oil.

A 500 ml jar is required. It should have a tight-fitting lid. Fill it with Gotu kola, calendula, and other ingredients. This will be used as a self-care ritual. Also, you may include a dried rose.

Next, add quality sesame oils – extra virgin, cold-pressed, organic, and extra virgin. This will be lighter than toasted sesame. Tap to remove air bubbles from the plant material.

Add essential oils to the container. Close the lid and shake it.

All that is required now is patience. It takes 2-3 weeks for the herbs to infuse so that all of the healing constituents can be extracted into the oil. The herbs like to be left where there is the sun.

Once you are done, you can go ahead and bathe or massage!

You can also check out: Is Jojoba Oil Good For Eyelashes?


  • Calendula can be used topically to soothe dry and itchy skin. It is a rather great solution for eczema and acne.
  • Typically, Gotu Kola promotes wound healing, and collagen production and, along with calendula, is helpful for scarring, varicose veins, and stretch marks.
  • Roses add a touch of beauty.
  • Sesame is warm and deeply moisturizing.
  • Massage stimulates circulation and helps eliminate toxins. It significantly calms the nervous system and relieves fatigue. It promotes well-being.



  • 500ml organic, extra virgin, and cold-pressed sesame oil
  • Large handful of calendula flowers dried
  • A large quantity of Gotu Kola was dried.
  • Two tablespoons of dried rosebuds
  • Rose essential oil. Add enough to make your favorite fragrance.
  • Patience, of course.


  1. Take a 500ml clean container (approx. 16 ounces) bottle.
  2. To remove any air bubbles, slowly pour the sesame oil on top. Make sure the oil is at least 1 inch from the top of the plant material. Add the essential oils.
  3. Secure the lid and give it a nice shake. Place the infused herbs somewhere warm with some sunlight for about two weeks.
  4. When the infusion is done, pour directly from the bottle into a cup.
  5. To warm the bottle, stand it in hot water for about a minute. Take a hot bath and then use the bottle as a self-massage.

To use your homemade herbal body oil, simply massage it into your skin after a shower or bath. The oil will help to moisturize your skin and leave it feeling soft and smooth. You can also use the oil to add a touch of aromatherapy to your routine.

Here are some ideas for herbs that you can use to make your own homemade herbal body oil:

  • Lavender: Lavender is a popular herb for relaxation and stress relief. It can also help to soothe dry skin.
  • Chamomile: Chamomile is another popular herb for relaxation and soothing. It can also help to reduce inflammation.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint is a refreshing herb that can help to invigorate and energize. It can also help to improve circulation.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary is a stimulating herb that can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. It can also help to promote hair growth.

You can also experiment with different combinations of herbs to create your own unique blends. With a little creativity, you can make a homemade herbal body oil that is perfect for you.

Here are some additional tips for making a homemade herbal body oil:

  • Use high-quality herbs. The quality of the herbs you use will affect the quality of the oil.
  • Use a good quality carrier oil. The carrier oil will help to carry the essential oils from the herbs into your skin.
  • Infuse the oil for at least 4 weeks. This will give the herbs time to release their essential oils into the oil.
  • Strain the oil thoroughly. This will remove any plant material from the oil.
  • Store the oil in a cool, dark place. This will help to preserve the oil and its properties.

With a little time and effort, you can make a beautiful and nourishing homemade herbal body oil that you will love using.


  • If you have a history of allergy to calendula, avoid it.
  • If you’re pregnant or nursing, don’t use this recipe.
  • These herbs can help with wound healing, but you should not apply them to a new burn. It will insulate and cause more heat damage.
  • You can find herbs in the tea section at health and natural food stores.

Remember also that Extra virgin sesame oil is cold-pressed and not toasted. It has a lighter color and milder scent. Coconut oil is also a great addition to your diet and has cooling properties. A nice addition is almond or apricot oils.

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